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Title: Language as evidence
Date: 6 September 2021
Organisers: Dieter Stein and Victoria Guillén-Nieto
Assistant students:
Ksenia Belova, Marcos Paulo Cruz de Oliveira, María Delicado Cabrerizo, Javier García Picazo, Anastasia Khaylina, Ovi Martínez Sánchez, Elena Morandini, Georgiana Radulescu, Ana Reyes, Raquel Ródenas, María Rodríguez Martínez
Administration: Fundación General (UA) — Escuela de Negocios
The 3rd ILLA Focus Conference on Forensic Linguistics encourages linguists and legal practitioners to submit abstract proposals on all topics of forensic linguistics like authorship identification; speaker identification; trademarks conflicts; plagiarism detection; language crimes; cybercrimes; deception and lie detection; police interrogation, among others.
Furthermore, we would also welcome paper submissions that relate to the assisting role language experts can play in a criminal investigation; the linguist as an expert witness in the courts of justice; communication and interaction between lawyers and language experts, courtroom interaction; admissibility criteria, ethics, the mediatisation of criminal cases, among others.