University of Alicante, Spain

5th ILLA General Conference

5th ILLA General Conference: Language and the Law in the Age of Migration

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Title: Language and Law in the Age of Migration

Date: 7-9 September 2021

Conference Chair: Victoria Guillén-Nieto

Local Organising Committee: José Mateo-Martínez, Francisco Yus-Ramos, Miguel Ángel Campos-Pardillos, Isabel Balteiro-Fernández, Sara Prieto-García-Cañedo, José Antonio Sánchez-Fajardo, Dyango Bonsignore-Fouquets, María Martínez Lirola


Thematic areas Coordinators:

1. Language as the mirror of human rights issues in law and legal discourse. Coordinator: Frances Olsen (UCLA)

2. Inequality, discrimination and violence in language and law. Coordinator: Victoria Guillén (University of Alicante)

3. Experimental approaches to language, law and human rights. Coordinators: Benedikt Pirker & Jennifer Smolka (University of Fribourg)

4. The migrant’s language rights. Coordinator:  Anne Lisa Kjaer (University of Copenhagen)

5. Legal interpretation. Coordinator: Ralf Poscher (University of Freiburg)

6. Philosophy of law. Coordinator: Tomasz Gizbert-Studnicki (Jagellonian University, Krakow)

7. Pragmatics of legal discourse. Coordinator: Dieter Stein (Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf)

8. Free speech in the arts – Coordinator: Anna Arzoumanov (Sorbonne University)

9. Discourse analytic approaches to power and justice in language and law. Coordinator: Meizhen Liao (Central China Normal University, Wuhan)

10. Historical perspectives on legal pragmatics. Coordinator: Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky, (University of Vienna)

ILLA Steering Committee:
Frances Olsen (UCLA) (President for the area of law), Victoria Guillén-Nieto (President for the area of Linguistics), Felix Tripps (Assistant Manager), Friedemann Vogel (University of Siegen), Dieter Stein (Heinrich-Heine University, Dusseldorf), Anne Lisa Kjaer (University of Copenhagen), Ralf Poscher (University of Freiburg), Janet Giltrow (University of British Columbia, Canada), Benedikt Pirker (University of Fribourg)

Assistant students:
Ksenia Belova, Marcos Paulo Cruz de Oliveira, María Delicado Cabrerizo, Javier García Picazo, Anastasia Khaylina, Ovi Martínez Sánchez, Elena Morandini, Georgiana Radulescu, Ana Reyes, Raquel Ródenas, María Rodríguez Martínez

Administration: Fundación General (UA) — Escuela de Negocios


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